Dress c/o Motel Rocks, Tesco Tights, Buffalo boots c/o Sarenza, Glasses Red or Dead at Specsavers.
Finally, after *coughyearscough* much delaying and putting it off, I had an eye test last week, which revelaed I do still need glasses (I've had them since I was 9 though not many people knew!) and that I needed to wear them a bit more than I had previously. My old frames had literally fallen apart, so I treated myself to two new pairs (gotta love a buy one get one free deal) and picked them up this week.
How amazing is the world/how much easier is my job when things aren't quite so blurred? I got the red/black pair you can see above, as well as a more neutral pair for when I feel a bit less bold.
I will not leave it seven years between tests this time. Promise!
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