
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Girl's Corner

I'm thinking of introducing a couple of new features to my blog. Lauren's Dressing Room is primarily based on fashion and beauty as you all know. But, after looking through many, many blogs, I've noticed that it's not often that you can search for help or advice on more personal girly topics/problems. Thing that we all go through and maybe all want a little outside advice on to make sure, and be reassured that we actually are normal after all.

I know that I have a wide age range following my blog from 12year old girls, all they way up to women in their late 30's due to emails I have received in the past. I want to target girls and women of all ages, discussing all different things via blog posts.

Things that we all really want to know, but are maybe too shy to ask our friends about? I'm quite an open person with my friends and will discuss those more embarrassing topics with them eg: Boob related questions, hair removal wonders and even that wrong time of the month.

We all have our questions, and we are all different. So, I'm taking this time to put myself out there in order to maybe give advice to younger girls on my experiences with all things girl related.

If there are any upcoming blog posts you would like to see, any concerns you may have about those more personal beauty worries, and want to hear my outlook on things, then feel free to leave a comment with your requests below.

Want to remain anonymous, then you can always contact me directly through email and I'll do my best to help!

I'm not saying my advice is going to be the best, but sometimes it's just nice to hear someone else's perspective of things.

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