
Friday, January 13, 2012

My Unwanted Beauty Box: January

Before I get into this blog post, I would first and foremost like to thank my lovely friend Maxine for planting this little seed of an idea in my head, after watching one of her vlogs.

Since the New Year, I haven't really set myself any New Years Resolutions as per say. However, after watching Maxine's vlog about using up makeup, I thought to myself "I have to do this!" As a beauty blogger, it's rather easy to get sucked into the whole 'Monkey see, Monkey want' syndrome when it comes to makeup and beauty products. This has resulted in me ending with with drawers and boxes full of makeup/products/lotions/potions/you name it which I don't really need. Even after buying all of these items, I still stick to repurchasing my favourite products, thus, then leaving loads of barely used products.

The whole idea of this Beauty Resolution is so that I can use up lots of my barely touched makeup.

Here's what I've done: (and you can do it too!)

- Sort through your makeup and beauty products. Get together all the items which you never use, or which need using up!
- Store them all together in some kind of box.
- Vow to use those products daily until used up, and save your favourite products until then!

Here's whats in my unwanted beauty box;

What's in there? & the reasons they're there?

Bodyshop Pomegranate Bodybutter
I hate the smell of this. I actually bought this online not knowing what it smelled of and as soon as it arrived, yack! I hated it. I'm almost through it though. I use it mainly on my legs so that the smell is out of my noses proximity.

Loreal Shampoos
These are from my hair dye kits, which always end up building up and I never use. Hey, it's shampoo! Might as well whack it on the head!

Neutrogena Blackhead Scrub
I usually use my Liz Earle cleanse and polish, so everything else for my face gets pretty much neglected. I have officially put my Liz Earle to the back of my drawer and doing this little swapsie to use up this product.

Simple Toner
Same as above really, I prefer the Liz Earle toner. This just needs using up.

Soft & Gentle deodorant
A huge big cloud of white smoke? No thanks, say no more.

Spa magik salt brushing
I usually use Soap & Glory's Breakfast scrub once a week, but after receiving this salt scrub in a Glossybox, I haven't gotten round to trying it out.

Avon Soloutions day/night cream
I have far too many face creams, and these are the ones I never tend to use.

Eyeko and Bodyshop lipgloss
I hate lip gloss in a squeezy tube formula, it goes on so messy and your seem to have no control over it. I'll just be using them for work every day, but sticking to my old ye faithful lipsticks at the weekend.

Elf blush
This shade is Tickled Pink. i never really get round to using it, but after using this colour for the past two days I actually really like it for day wear. This may end up being repurchased.

Tiny samples from MAC and Pixi
I have too many teeny samples floating around making my drawers look messy so they need using up.

MAC NC35 Studio Fix Fluid
I am not a cool shade at all, this foundation is far too yellow one me. Lord knows why the lady at MAC matched me up to this colour. It was my first ever MAC foundation and I still have it now. It's almost gone and I'm so glad as then I can save the empty for the 'Back to MAC' scheme.

MAC Creme Cup lipstick
I really need to finish this lipstick off so I can save the empty for 'back to MAC'. I love this lipstick and always repurchase it every time I run out.

So, there we have it, lots of little items which will finally get to fulfil their makeup destiny and actually make the journey onto my face! Ha ha. I do think this is a really good idea to save yourself some money and also so not to waste previously bought products which you might have just bought on a whim.

Let me know if you're joining in the Unwanted Beauty Box Resolution...

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