
Friday, March 26, 2010

white baby

this is actually two repeats of the pattern...

Boys Christening Romper

Difficulty Level: Experienced

Size: to fit 0-6 months; finished chest measurement: 20 inches.

Materials: White Sport Weight (DK) Yarn - about 7 ounces, size 3 and 6 (U.S.) needles, size 6 circular needle – 24 inches, set of size 6 double pointed needles, 4 small buttons, 10 sew-on snaps.

Gauge: 5 ½ sts/inch in stockinette stitch.

Leaf Pattern:(see graph at bottom of page if preferred)
Row 1: knit
Row 2: purl
Row 3: (k4, p4) across.
Row 4: (k3, p4, k1) across.
Row 5: (p2, k4, p2) across.
Row 6: (k1, p4, k3) across.
Row 7: (k3, p4, k1) across.
Row 8: (p2, k4, p2) across.
Row 9: (k1, p4, k3) across.
Row 10: (p4, k4) across.
Rows 11: knit
Rows 12, 13, 14: purl

With smaller needles, cast on 35 sts loosely. Work in rib as follows:
Row 1(right side): (k1-b, p1) across.
Row 2: (k1, p1-b) across.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 till ribbing measures 1 inch.
On next row, increase in all but first and last sts (68 sts).
Change to larger needles.
Purl next row.
Work 5 more rows st st, inc 1 st each side of every right side row.
Begin Leaf Pattern, continuing to inc 1 st each side of every right side row.
After Leaf Pattern is complete, work in st st , until there are 100 sts on needle. Work even till piece measures 6 ½ inches.
Bind off 5 sts at beg on next 2 rows. Place all sts on a spare needle. Break yarn.

Repeat for other side of Pants, but do not break yarn. Combine sts onto circular needle as follows: Ssk, knit to last 2 sts, k2 tog, place a marker, ssk from spare needle, knit to last 2 sts, k2 tog, place marker. Knit 1 round.
Round 1: (ssk, knit to 2 sts before marker, k2 tog, slip marker) twice.
Round 2: knit.
Repeat rounds 1 and 2 once more, removing marker in middle of round.
Knit even in rounds until piece measures 14 inches from bottom edge.
Make pleats as follows: k1, *slip 4 sts to right needle. Slip 4 sts to 1st dpn, then slip 4 sts to 2nd dpn. Twist 1st dpn clockwise, reversing sts. Slip 4 sts from right needle back to left needle. Hold 1st dpn behind left needle and 2nd dpn behind 1st. Knit 3 sts tog (one st from each needle) 4 times. Knit 2. Rep from * to * once more. Knit 28 sts. ** Slip 4 sts to 1st dpn, slip 4 sts to 2nd dpn. Twist 2nd dpn counterclockwise. Hold 2nd dpn behind left needle, then 1st dpn behind 2nd. K3 tog (one st from each needle) 4 times. Knit 2.**
Rep ** to ** once more.
Rep from * to * twice more. Knit 28 sts. Work from ** to ** twice more, ending with k1 at end of second repeat.
Remove marker. Pick up running thread between needles, and k1-b. K2.
Split for back opening: Turn and knit all the way around. Cast on 5 sts.
(Turn work and knit 1 row) twice.
Work Leaf Pattern, leaving 5 sts at each end in garter stitch for button/ buttonhole bands.
On row 7 of pattern, work 1st buttonhole on last five sts as follows: k2, yo, k2 tog, k1.
On row 11 of pattern, bind off armholes: k 26, bind off 6 sts, k 45, bind off 6 sts, k 25.

Left Back:
Row 1: k5, p 21.
Row 2: p2 tog, p19, k5.
Row 3: k5, p 20.
Row 4: p2 tog, p18, k5.
Row 5: k5, p19.
Row 6: knit to last 5 sts, make buttonhole.
Row 7: k5, purl.
Row 8: knit.
Knit 3 rows.
Work Leaf Pattern.
When armhole measures 3 ¼ inches, bind off 9 sts at center back, p7, wf, turn. K7. Turn Bind off purlwise, picking up wrap.

Front: With wrong side facing, attach yarn and purl across Front sts.
Row 1: (p2 tog, purl to last 2 sts, p2 tog)
Row 2: purl.
Repeat rows 1 and 2.
Work in set pattern to match Left Back.
On row 7 of Patt, bind off center 8 sts of Front: (k17, b.o.8, k17).
Working each side of Front separately, dec 1 st at neck edge every row 3 times. When armhole measures 3 ¼ inches, and right side facing for next row on Right Front, and wrong side facing for Left Front, p7, wf, turn, p7. Turn. Bind off knitwise, picking up wrap.

Right Back: Attach yarn to rem sts. Purl to last 5 sts, k5.
Row 1: k5, purl to last 2 sts, p2 tog
Row 2: purl to last 5 sts, k5.
Repeat rows 1 and 2.
Work in pattern same as Left Back, reversing shapings.
Sew shoulder seams.
Sew bottom of button band underneath buttonhole band.

Sleeves: (make two):
With smaller needles, cast on 24 sts. Work in ribbing same as for Leg of pants till ribbing measures 1 inch.
Next row: (Inc in next st, k1) across. (36 sts).
Change to larger needles.
Starting with purl row, work st st for 4 rows.
Knit 4 rows.
Work pattern.
Purl 3 rows.
Work in st st till sleeve measures 6 inches.
Bind off 3 sts at beg of next two rows.
Dec 1 st each side of next 2 rows.
Work 4 rows even.
Dec 1 st each side of next next 2 right side rows.
Work 1 row even.
Dec 1 st each side of next 3 rows, binding off on last row.

Sew sleeve seams.
Sew sleeves into armholes.

Collar: With wrong side facing and size 6 needles, pick up 25 sts between center front of neck, and middle of button band.
Row 1: k2, p21, k2.
Row 2: knit
Repeat rows 1 and 2 three more times.
Knit 2 rows.
Bind off loosely, knitwise.
Repeat for other side of collar, picking up 25 sts between middle of buttonhole band and center front of neck.

Sew crotch sts together on Front. Repeat for Back.
Front Snap band: Pick up 80 sts along front of right and left leg.
Knit 1 row (turning row).
(Knit 1 row, Purl 1 row) twice.
Bind off.

Back snap band: knit 1 row, purl 1 row.
Knit 3 rows.
Purl 1 row. Knit 1 row.
Bind off.
Turn both snap bands along turning row, and sew in place. Sew 10 snaps to legs, evenly spaced.
Sew buttons under buttonholes.

With size 6 needles, cast on 74 sts. Work in ribbing same as for Back for 6 rows.
Next row: k1, M1, (k2, M1) to last stitch, k1. (100 sts).
(Purl 1 row, knit 1 row) twice.
Knit 3 rows.
Work Leaf Pattern through row 12, decreasing 4 sts evenly on last row.
Shape Crown:
Row 1: k1 (ssk, k14, k2 tog) 6 times, k1.
Row 2 (and all even rows): purl.
Row 3: k1, (ssk, k12, k2 tog) 6 times, k1.
Row 5: k1, (ssk, k10, k2 tog) 6 times, k1.
Row 7: k1, (ssk, k8, k2 tog) 6 times, k1.
Row 9: k1, (ssk, k6, k2 tog) 6 times, k1.
Row 11: k1, (ssk, k4, k2 tog) 6 times, k1.
Row 13: k1, (ssk, k2, k2 tog) 6 times, k1.
Row 15: k1, (ssk, k2 tog) 6 times, k1.
Row 17: k1, (k2 tog) 6 times, k1.

Leaving a tail for sewing, cut yarn, and thread thru remaining sts and pull tight. Sew hat seam.

Booties (make 2):
With size 6 needles, cast on 19 sts.
Row 1: k9, pm, k1, pm, k9.
Row 2: k1, inc in next st, knit to 1 st before marker, inc in next st, sm, k1, sm, inc in next st, knit to last two sts, inc in next st, k1.
Rows 3-6: Repeat row 2 (39 sts).
Knit 8 rows even.
Shape instep:
Knit 24 sts.
Row 1: Turn and purl 8, p2 tog-b.
Row 2: Turn and k8, k2 tog.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until 27 sts rem on needle. Knit to end.
(Purl 5 rows. Knit 1 row) twice.
Purl 4 rows.
Bind off.

Sew back seam and sole of bootie.

Cabled Yoke Christening Gown

Difficulty Level: Experienced (use of short row shaping, and herringbone braiding – but don’t be afraid to try it, as I have tried to explain how to do both in the instructions).

Size: To fit Newborn

Materials: 16-inch circular knitting needle, size 6; cable needle; 1 skein (6 oz.) Red Heart TLC Baby, white; three 3/8 buttons; stitch marker; small amount of 1/8-inch ribbon.

Gauge: 5 ½ sts/inch in stockinette stitch.

Wrapping sts: In this pattern, wrap a stitch by holding the yarn in front of work, slip next st from left hand needle, move yarn to back of work, and slip same stitch back to left hand needle, and bring yarn back to front:
Picking up the wrap: Slip the wrapped st to the right hand needle, and lift the wrapped thread with left hand needle and place on the right hand needle next to the wrapped stitch, then purl them both together.
Inc – increases are made by purling into the front and back of a stitch.

Yoke (shaped by short-row shaping):
Cast on 17 sts.
Row 1 (right side): p4, sl 2 sts to cable needle and hold in front of work, k2, k2 from cable needle, k2, p4, k1, yo, k2 tog.
Row 2: k7, p6, k4.
Row 3: p3, wrap next stitch, turn; k3, turn; p3, pick up wrap and purl, k2, sl 2 to cable needle and hold in back, k2, k2 from cable needle, p1, wrap next st, turn; k1, p6, k4, turn; p3, wrap next st, turn; k3, turn; p3, pick up wrapped st and purl, sl 2 sts to cable needle and hold in front, k2, k2 from cable needle, k2, p1, pick up wrapped st and purl, p2, k1, yo, k2 tog.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 (20 times) until there are 22 eyelets at neck edge. End with row 3.
Bind off knitwise (wrong side) on next row.

Cut a length of yarn about 2 yards long and set aside for Herringbone Braid.

Pick up 129 sts along bottom of yoke as follows: *pick up 1 st in ends of first three rows, skip 1 row, rep from * across, ending by picking up 2 sts in last row.

Work Herringbone Braid (using two strands of yarn – these get very twisted together as you work, so it’s a good idea to pull loose strand past attached strand every so often to relieve the twisting):
It is worked as follows: knit 1st stitch with attached yarn, then knit 2nd stitch with cut length of yarn you set aside. *Bring attached yarn underneath cut yarn and knit next st, bring cut yarn underneath attached yarn and knit next st, rep from * across.
Repeat on next row, except purl each stitch instead of knitting – continue to bring yarns from underneath on each st.
Drop extra strand of yarn at end of second row.
Increase Row: (p3, inc in next st) 3 times, (p4, inc in next, p3, inc in next) across, end p4. (157 sts).
Set up Pattern as follows:
Row 1 (right side): (p5, sl 1 wyib, k2, psso) across, end p5.
Row 2: (k5, p1, yo, p1) across, end k5.
Row 3: (p5, k3) across, end p5.
Row 4: (k5, p3) across, end k5.

Split into Backs, Front, and Sleeves:
Work in established patt across 24 sts (don’t forget to count the slipped sts that are passed over the others – they still count in the stitch count!) These sts will be the Right Back. Break yarn, leaving a long tail, about 1 yard.
Begin first sleeve:
Attach new yarn and cast on three sts. *(inc in next, p1) 2 times, inc in next, sl 1 wyib, k2, psso, rep from * twice, end inc in next st, p1, inc in next st, p1, inc in next st, then cast on 3 sts. (47 sts -- counting the sts that have been passed over) Turn. (Sleeve is worked on these 47 sts)
Work in patt (with 8 sts between cables) for 2 repeats, then work rows 1 and 2 again. (Note: knit and purl sts are reversed on rows 2 and 4, since you are working in rows -- not rounds -- for the sleeves)
Decrease Row 1: p3, *(p2 tog, p1) 2 times, p2 tog, k3, rep from *, end p3.
Next Row: knit
Decrease row 2: p3, * p2 tog, p1, p2 tog, sl 1-k2-psso, rep from *, end p2 tog, p1, p2 tog, p3. (24 sts)
Next row: knit.
Eyelet Row: k1, (yo, k2 tog) across, end k1.
Next row: knit.
Cast off knitwise.
Sew sleeve seam.

With long tail from Right Back, pick up 6 sts from underarm of sleeve just worked, then work across next 51 sts for Front. Drop tail.
Attach new yarn for second sleeve and work same as first sleeve.
Pick up tail again, pick up 6 sts from underarm of second sleeve, then work remaining 24 sts of Left Back.
Work row 2 of Patt (be aware that there will be 6 sts between cables at underarms).

Joining and Increase Row: Using Cable Cast on, cast on three sts. Place a marker. *k3, inc in next, p4, inc in next; rep from * around to marker (EXCEPT!!!! Skip one inc at each underarm to make patt even at with 7 sts between each cable).
Continue in set patt, working in rounds, changing knit sts to purl and purl sts to knit on rows 2 and 4 of patt.
Work 8 rows.
Make increases in skirt as follows: inc in purl st on both sides of every cable.
Work 12 rounds, then inc in the same way again.
Work 16 rounds, then inc in the same way again.
Work 24 rounds, then inc in the same way again.
Work 20 rounds, ending with row 1 of patt. (there should be 15 sts between each cable)
Remove marker. K2, p7, replace marker.

Begin Lace Pattern:
Round 1: * p6, k2 tog, yo, k2 tog, yo, ssk, p5, rep from * around.
Round 2: * p5, k2 tog, yo, k1, k into front and back of next st, k1, yo, ssk, p4, repeat from * around.
Round 3: * p4, k2 tog, yo, k6, yo, ssk, p3, rep from * around.
Round 4: * p3, k2 tog, yo, k8, yo, ssk, p2, rep from * around.
Round 5: * p4, yo, k3, k2 tog, ssk, k3, yo, p3, rep from * around.
Round 6: * p5, yo, k2, k2 tog, ssk, k2, yo, p4, rep from * around.
Round 7: * p6, yo, k1, k2 tog, ssk, k1, yo, p5, rep from * around.
Round 8: * p7, yo, k2 tog, ssk, yo, p6, rep from * around.
Rounds 9, 10, 11, 12: Repeat rounds 1, 2, 3, 4.
Round 13: * p2, k2 tog, yo, k10, yo, ssk, p1, rep from * around.
Round 14: * p1, k2 tog, yo, k12, yo, ssk, rep from * around.
Round 15: * k2, yo, k5, k2 tog, ssk, k5, yo, k1, rep from * around.
Round 16: * k3, yo, k4, k2 tog, ssk, k4, yo, k2, rep from * around.
Round 17: * k4, yo, k3, k2 tog, ssk, k3, yo, k3, rep from * around.
Round 18: * k5, yo, k2, k2 tog, ssk, k2, yo, k4, rep from * around.
Round 19: * k6, yo, k1, k2 tog, ssk, k1, yo, k5, rep from * around.
Round 20: * k7, yo, k2 tog, ssk, yo, k6, rep from * around.
Round 21: purl.
Round 22: knit.
Round 23: purl.
Bind off knitwise.

Button Band: On Right Back opening, pick up 22 sts. Knit 4 rows. Bind off knitwise.
Buttonhole Band: On Left Back Opening, pick up 22 sts. Knit 2 rows.
Buttonhole Row: k3, yo, ssk, (k6, yo, ssk) twice, k1.
Knit 1 row. Bind off knitwise.
Sew buttons under buttonholes.
Weave 14-16” length of ribbon through eyelets on each sleeve, and tie in a bow.

Cast on 29 sts.
Row 1(right side): (p3, sl 1 wyib, k2, psso) across to last 5 sts; p2, k1, yo, k2 tog.
Row 2: p3, k2, then (p1, yo, p1, k3) across to end.
Row 3: (p3, k3) across to last 5 sts; p2, k1, yo, k2 tog.
Row 4: p3, k2, then (p3, k3) to end.

Repeat rows 1-4 until piece measures 12 inches, ending by working row 1. Bind off on wrong side.

Pick up 72 sts along side of bonnet opposite the eyelets. Knit one row.
Decreases for Crown:
Row 1: (k7, k2 tog) across.
Row 2 (and all other wrong side rows): knit
Row 3: (k6, k2 tog) across.
Row 5: (k5, k2 tog) across.
Row 7: (k4, k2 tog) across.
Row 9: (k3, k2 tog) across.
Row 11: (k2, k2 tog) across.
Row 13: (k1 k2 tog) across.
Row 15: (k2 tog) across.
Break yarn and thread through remaining sts with a yarn needle. Pull tight, and sew crown together in a circle, leaving bottom edges at sides free.

With right side of bonnet facing, pick up 45 sts along bottom edge of bonnet between eyelet rows.
Knit 3 rows.
Eyelet row: k1, (yo, k2 tog) across.
Knit 2 rows.
Bind off knitwise on next row.

Cut a 24-inch piece of 1/8" wide ribbon and thread through eyelets at bottom of bonnet.

Booties: With size 6 needles, cast on 19 sts. Row 1: Knit 9, place a marker, k1, place a marker, k9. Row 2: Knit 1, knit into front and back of next st (inc), knit to marker, increasing in last stitch before marker, slip marker, k1, slip marker, inc in next st, knit to last two stitches; inc in next stitch, k1. Rows 3-6. Repeat row 2. (39 sts) Rows 7-14: knit Shape Shoe: Knit across 24 sts. Turn. (Leave remaining sts unworked) Row 1: sl 1, purl 7, p2 tog. Row 1: sl 1, knit 7, ssk. Repeat these two rows 5 more times. Knit remaining sts on left hand needle. Work Herringbone braid same as for dress over next two rows. Purl 1 row. Work in st st for 6 rows. Bind of purlwise on next row (wrong side).

Cast on 12 sts.
Row 1: p1, sl 2 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, k2 from dpn, k2, p2, k1, yo, k2 tog.
Rows 2 and 4: p3, k2, p6, k1.
Row 3: p1, k2, sl 2 sts to dpn and hold in front, k2, k2 from dpn, p2, k1, yo, k2 tog.

Work in set pattern until piece measures 5 inches (or width of top of bootie).
Bind off.
Sew cable to top of bootie with eyelets at top of bootie, using mattress st.
Sew back seam and sole .

Floral Trellis Christening Gown

Materials: 7 oz. Red Heart TLC baby yarn, White; size 6 circular knitting needles – 16 inches, small amount of sport weight yarn, pink and green; yarn needle for sewing; 3 small buttons.

Gauge: 5 ½ sts/ inch in st st.

Size: Newborn (finished chest size = 18 inches)

Note: Gown is worked from the top down. Also, 'inc' in this pattern means to purl into the front and the back of the next stitch.

Directions: Cast on 45 sts. Work in st st for 6 rows for rolled collar.
Begin Yoke:
Row 1: p4, (inc in next st, p2, k1-b, p2) across, end inc in next, p4.
Row 2: p3, k5, (p1, k6) across, end k5, p3.
Row 3: p8, *(k1, yo, k1) in next st, p6; rep from * to last 8 sts, p8.
Row 4: p3, k5, (p3, k6) across, end p3, k5, p3.
Row 5: p8, *(k1, lift running thread between next two sts to left needle, and purl) twice, k1, p2, inc in next, p3; rep from * to last 8 sts, p8.
Row 6: p3, k5, *(p1, k1) 3 times, k6; rep from *, end k4, p3.
Row 7: p8, *k1, inc in next, k1, inc in next, p3, inc in next, p3; rep from * to last 8 sts, p8.
Row 8: p3, k5, *p1, k2, p1, k2, p1, k8; rep from * to last 8 sts, k5, p3.
Row 9: p8, *(k1, yo, k1) in next st, inc in next, p1, k1-b, p1, inc in next, (k1, yo, k1) in next st, p3, inc in next, p4; rep from * to last 8 sts, p8.
Row 10: p3, k5, *p3, k3, p1, k3, p3, k9; rep from * to last 8 sts, k5, p3.
Row 11: p4, inc in next, p3, *(k1, yo) twice, k1, inc in next, p2, k1-b, p2, inc in next, (k1, yo) twice, k1, p4, inc in next, p4; rep from * to last 8 sts, p3, inc in next, p4.
Row 12: p3, k6, *p5, k4, p1, k4, p5, k10; rep from * to last 9 sts, k6, p3.
Row 13: p9, *k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, inc in next, p3, k1-b, p3, inc in next, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, p4, inc in next, p5; rep from * to last 9 sts, p9.
Row 14: p3, k6, *p7, k5, p1, k5, p7, p11; rep from * to last 9 sts, k6, p3.
Row 15: p9, *ssk, k3, k2 tog, inc in next, p4, (k1, yo, k1) in next st, p4, inc in next, ssk, k3, k2 tog, p5, inc in next, p5; rep from * to last 9 sts, p9.
Row 16: p3, k6, *p5, k6, p3, k6, p5, k12; rep from * to last 9 sts, k6, p3.
Row 17: p8, *inc in next, ssk, k1, k2 tog, p6, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, p6, ssk, k1, k2 tog, inc in next, p10, rep from * to last 9 sts, inc in next, p8.
Row 18: p3, k7, *p3, k6, p5, k6, p3, k14; rep from * to last 10 sts, k7, p3.
Row 19: p9, inc in next, *sl 1-k2tog-psso, p6, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, p6, sl 1-k2 tog-psso, inc in next, p12, inc in next; rep from * to last 10 sts, inc in next, p9.
Row 20: p3, k8, *p1, k6, p7, k6, p1, k16; rep from * to last 11sts, k8, p3.
Row 21: p18, *ssk, k3, k2 tog, p30; rep from *, end p18.
Row 22: p3, k15, *p5, k30; rep from * to last 18 sts, end k15, p3.
Row 23: p11, *inc in next, p6, ssk, k1, k2 tog, p6, inc in next, p16; rep from * to last 18 sts, p6, inc in next, p11.
Row 24: p3, k16, *p3, k32; rep from * to last 18 sts, k16, p3. (216 sts)

Split into sleeves and body:
Row 25: p19, sl 1-k2 tog-psso, p9, cut yarn, leaving about a 10 inch tail.
With new piece of yarn, begin first sleeve: Cast on 3 sts onto right needle, p23 (from left hand needle), sl 1-k2tog-psso, p21, cast on three sts, turn. (51 sts)
**Starting with a knit row, work 9 rows st st on 51 sts of sleeve.
Row 10 (of sleeve): (p2 tog) across next row, end p1.
Row 11: purl
Row 12: knit
Rows 13-14: rep rows 11 and 12.
Row 15(turning row for hem): p1, (yo, p2 tog) across, end p1.
Work 4 rows st st.
Bind off.
Fold up hem of sleeve and sew in place. Sew sleeve seam. **

Using tail from previous sts of body, pick up 6 sts from underarm of sleeve. Attach new thread and continue with body as follows: p11, sl 1-k2 tog-psso, p32, sl 1-k2 tog-psso, p11, cut yarn, leaving another 10 inch tail.
With new piece of yarn, begin second sleeve: Cast on 3 sts onto right hand needle, p21 (from left hand needle), sl 1-k2tog-psso, p23, cast on 3 sts, turn. (51 sts).
Work same as first sleeve between **’s.

Using tail from last body sts, pick up 6 sts from underarm of second sleeve. Attach new yarn, and continue body as follows: p9, sl 1-k2 tog-psso, p 19. (123 sts)
Row 26: p3, knit to last 3 sts, p3.
Row 27: purl.
Row 28: repeat row 26. Do not turn.

Combine body into rounds: slip 3 sts from right hand needle to a spare needle, and hold in back of first three sts on left hand needle. Purl 1 st from left hand needle AND 1 st from spare needle together 3 times, p5, place a marker (marker will not be at center back).
Purl 3 rounds.
Increase round: Increase 1 st every 17 sts, end p4. (130 sts)
Round 1: (p6, k1, p6) around.
Round 2: (p5, k2 tog, yo, p6) around.
Round 3: (p5, k2, p6) around.
Round 4: (p4, k2 tog, yo, k1, p6) around.
Round 5: (p4, k1, p1, k1, p6) around.
Round 6: (p3, k2 tog, yo, p1, k1, p6) around.
Round 7: (p3, k1, p2, k1, p6) around.
Round 8: (p2, k2 tog, yo, p2, k1, p6) around.
Round 9: (p2, k1, p3, k1, p6) around.
Round 10: (p1, k2 tog, yo, p3, k1, p6) around.
Round 11: (p1, k1, p4, k1, p6) around.
Round 12: (p6, yo, ssk, p5) around.
Round 13: (p6, k2, p5) around.
Round 14: (p6, k1, yo, ssk, p4) around.
Round 15: (p6, k1, p1, k1, p4) around.
Round 16: (p6, k1, p1, yo, ssk, p3) around.
Round 17: (p6, k1, p2, k1, p3) around.
Round 18: (p6, k1, p2, yo, ssk, p2) around.
Round 19: (p6, k1, p3, k1, p2) around.
Round 20 (increase round): (p6, k1, p3, yo, k1, p2) around.
Round 21: (p6, k1, p4, k1, p2) around.
Round 22: (p5, k2 tog, yo, p7) around.
Round 23: (p5, k2, p7) around.
Round 24: (p4, k2 tog, yo, k1, p7) around.
Round 25: (p4, k1, p1, k1, p7) around.
Round 26: (p3, k2 tog, yo, p1, k1, p7) around.
Round 27: (p3, k1, p2, k1, p7) around.
Round 28: (p2, k2 tog, yo, p2, k1, p7) around.
Round 29: (p2, k1, p3, k1, p7) around.
Round 30: (p1, k2 tog, yo, p3, k1, p7) around.
Round 31: (p1, k1, p4, k1, p7) around.
Round 32: (p6, yo, ssk, p6) around.
Round 33: (p6, k2, p6) around.
Round 34: (p6, k1, yo, ssk, p5) around.
Round 35: (p6, k1, p1, k1, p5) around.
Round 36: (p6, k1, p1, yo, ssk, p4) around.
Round 37: (p6, k1, p2, k1, p4) around.
Round 38: (p6, k1, p2, yo, ssk, p3) around.
Round 39: (p6, k1, p3, k1, p3) around.
Round 40 (increase round): (p6, k1, p3, yo, k1, p3) around.
Round 41: (p6, k1, p4, k1, p3) around.
Round 42: (p5, k2 tog, yo, p8) around.
Round 43: (p5, k2, p8) around.
Round 44: (p4, k2 tog, yo, k1, p8) around.
Round 45: (p4, k1, p1, k1, p8) around.
Round 46: (p3, k2 tog, yo, p1, k1, p8) around.
Round 47: (p3, k1, p2, k1, p8) around.
Round 48: (p2, k2 tog, yo, p2, k1, p8) around.
Round 49: (p2, k1, p3, k1, p8) around.
Round 50: (p1, k2 tog, yo, p3, k1, p8) around.
Round 51: (p1, k1, p4, k1, p8) around.
Round 52: (p6, yo, ssk, p7) around.
Round 53: (p6, k2, p7) around.
Round 54: (p6, k1, yo, ssk, p6) around.
Round 55: (p6, k1, p1, k1, p6) around.
Round 56: (p6, k1, p1, yo, ssk, p5) around.
Round 57: (p6, k1, p2, k1, p5) around.
Round 58: (p6, k1, p2, yo, ssk, p4) around.
Round 59: (p6, k1, p3, k1, p4) around.
Round 60 (increase round): (p6, k1, p3, yo, k1, p4) around.
Round 61: (p6, k1, p4, k1, p4) around.
Round 62: (p5, k2 tog, yo, p9) around.
Round 63: (p5, k2, p9) around.
Round 64: (p4, k2 tog, yo, k1, p9) around.
Round 65: (p4, k1, p1, k1, p9) around.
Round 66: (p3, k2 tog, yo, p1, k1, p9) around.
Round 67: (p3, k1, p2, k1, p9) around.
Round 68: (p2, k2 tog, yo, p2, k1, p9) around.
Round 69: (p2, k1, p3, k1, p9) around.
Round 70: (p1, k2 tog, yo, p3, k1, p9) around.
Round 71: (p1, k1, p4, k1, p9) around.
Round 72: (p6, yo, ssk, p8) around.
Round 73: (p6, k2, p8) around.
Round 74: (p6, k1, yo, ssk, p7) around.
Round 75: (p6, k1, p1, k1, p7) around.
Round 76: (p6, k1, p1, yo, ssk, p6) around.
Round 77: (p6, k1, p2, k1, p6) around.
Round 78: (p6, k1, p2, yo, ssk, p5) around.
Round 79: (p6, k1, p3, k1, p5) around.
Round 80 (increase round): (p6, k1, p3, yo, k1, p5) around.
Round 81: (p6, k1, p4, k1, p5) around.

Shape Leaf at Bottom Edge:
Round 82: (p4, p2 tog, (k1, yo, k1) in next st, inc in next st, p9) around.
Round 83: (p5, k3, p11) around.
Round 84: (p3, p2 tog, (k1, yo) 2 times, k1, inc in next, p10) around.
Round 85: (p4, k5, p12) around.
Round 86: (p2, p2 tog, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, inc in next, p11) around.
Round 87: (p3, k7, p13) around.
Round 88: (p1, p2 tog, ssk, k3, k2 tog, inc in next, p12) around.
Round 89: (p2, k5, p14) around.
Round 90: [p2 tog, ssk, k1, k2 tog, (p1, yo) twice, (p2 tog, yo) six times] around.
Round 91: (p1, k3, p16) around.
Round 92: (k1, sl 1-k2 tog-psso, k16) around.
Bind off loosely, purlwise.

Sew buttons to button band (there are no buttonholes – buttons just push through the knitting on the buttonhole band).

Using lazy daisy embroidery stitch and pink yarn, embroider 5-petal daisies at the top of each motif on skirt, and at each bottom branch opposite leaf. Using green yarn, embroider 2 leaf sts on each flower.


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