
Monday, September 5, 2011

Come on Skinny Love

First of all, the title to this post is not a weight reference - it's actually a song I'm loving so much at the moment. For those of you who are Vampire Diaries fans will know this song from the last series, I actually cant take it off repeat on my iPhone.

Birdy - Skinny Love

I love everything about this song. The vocals, the tune, the lyrics - I just can't get enough of it.

Last weekend, I got together with the lovely Helen for a spot of retail therapy, Wagamamas and Starbucks. The perfect way to spend any Saturday if you ask me. Here is the outfit I sported;

Playsuit & Belt - Quiz
Scarf - Alexander McQueen inspired
Bag - Pauls Boutique
Jacket - Primark
Bracelets - ASOS, eBay, H&M

I actually never, ever shop in Quiz. Personally, I find it quite tacky - but thats my own opinion. It just so happened that I saw this playsuit in the window display and just had to nip in to get it.
My boyfriend recently bought me this Pauls Boutique bag for my birthday and since then I haven't stopped using it since - I love it. I removed the charms and opted for using them as a keyring for my car keys instead, keeping the bag classic and minimalistic.

How have your weekends been? 

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