
Saturday, January 29, 2011

No7 Pink Grapefruit nail colour

No7 Nail colour - Pink Grapefruit

Just, wow. Pink Grapefruit by No7 is currently my favourite nail polish. I happened to stumble upon this colour by complete accident.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin my Pink Grapefruit discovery story...

Whilst doing my monthly toiletries shop in my local Boots, I popped all my essentials into my basket, and toddled off to the checkout queue. As soon as I was greeted by the lovely checkout lady, I was instantly drawn in by her amazing nail colour - like a moth to a flame! Not wanting to miss out on the opportunity of knowing what this adorable colour was, I decided to ask her. To which she replied "You can get it here! It's by No7!"

As quick as a flash, I'd paid for my items, dashed off around the corner to find the said nail varnish and skipped back into the checkout queue. I left Boots feeling really happy and content with my new eye catching nail polish.

Do any of you own this polish? What do you think?

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